Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Goals and Objectives

Today we were assigned the task for completing a "Goals and Objectives Form" that outlines what we'd like to accomplish in 2010. To be honest, I haven't even started thinking about my new year resolutions yet (and we're already in February). Maybe I should write down my personal goals this year along with my goals at work:

1. Lose weight.
Seriously try to lose weight. I know I've been told that I'm not fat, but that's only because I hide it well. Forget "how to look good naked" and coming to terms with my body and all that stuff - you know you've put on weight when you don't fit into your pants anymore and that sweater you got last year became snug.

2. Lose more weight.
Yea, OK, I'm obsessed. I can't help it. I used to be three-quarters of what I am now and I need to lose weight to get back to where I was.

3. Get fit.
So I can run across between the offices without getting out of breath.  (I do walk briskly - the only time I have to run over to the main building is when something urgent's come up, and even then I'd have to stop and catch my breath.)  Truth is, I have no core strength neither.  I found an exercise plan for abs on the internet that entails a lot of sit-ups and planks, and I plan to stick to it.

4. Get organized.
Starting with my room.  I figured that I should at least have cleaned up my room before I move out of the house.

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