Wednesday, January 7, 2015

brrrr it's freezing out there and just one of those mornings that makes me wonder why i had bothered to get out of bed at all... and i'm seriously starting to feel burned out in this position - thank goodness this temporary assignment is coming to an end soon even though i don't really want to go back.  I had convinced myself that it was a fair trade - the title to put on my resume and the opportunity to gain the knowledge and experience at the next level up for sucking it up for a year - but it's become so difficult once I realized that I'm being asked to perform at a higher capacity compared to my peer while getting paid way below the pay grade for this position.  I'm usually pretty good at keeping the bitterness and the feeling of being taken advantage of at bay - and most days I can put up with the constant nitpicking for the sake of improvement - but not today.  not today.  Today i'll take a stand. 

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