Saturday, August 20, 2011

Happy Birthday my not-so-baby baby brother!

And of course we celebrated with an abundance of food:

Cheese platter with a very sharp vintage Cheddar, smoky Beemster (and so much better than your average smoked Gouda), sweet and nutty Parmigiano-reggiano, a unique British cheese that has 5 layers of Cheddar in different colors all pressed together in a black waxy rind (darn I wish I had took note of the name!) and a beautifully-marbled Irish Porter Cheese.  Each cheese was quite strong in their unique flavor and they were mostly semi-soft and semi-hard (except for the wonderful Parmigiano-reggiano), so next time I'll probably try a more varied combination in terms of taste and texture.

Sushi and sashimi platter from Ichiban Fish House all the way from 16th & Leslie (Thanks B!)

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