Since it was decided that today would be the day for holiday treats at work, we set to work on the rest of our cookies. I think Michelle and I make a really good team in the kitchen - we set up an assembly line of sorts where I would portion the dough, she would roll them and place them and flatten them on the cookie sheet which I would then stick into the oven, and I would remove the tray of cookies from the oven and she would take them off for cooling. She was also in charge of QC - anything that didn't pass her inspection ended up as being samples for us and for my family. We were quite efficient, as a matter of fact, that by the time we were done we had more than enough for both of our trays. All in all, our bake-off was a success, and the extra cookies will be packed to become gifts for my dear friends.
I had doubled the recipe for the ginger cookies seeing how I had to keep making more batches last Christmas, but at the same time we had decided to make smaller bite-sized cookies. In the end, we must have gotten over 15 dozens of them. Michelle was also the creative one - she made little heart-shaped ones and ones with smiley faces and these turned out absolutely adorable.
I also started the batter for some coconut macaroons but as it was running late I had to finish those on my own. It was much less fun to bake by myself but I was kept busy by the fact that these macaroons were quite tricky to form. The recipe called for a chocolate drizzle after they have cooled, but Michelle and I both thought these little golden balls were already sweet enough and didn't really need the extra touch. Plus, it was getting late and I was alone and I just wanted to be done with it. They were still very popular though, because these were the first ones to run out on the table.

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